Climact - Shake Agency Climact - Shake Agency


Climact was born out of the early awareness of young entrepreneurs for the fight against global warming. This early awareness materialised in 2007 with the creation of one of the first consultancy firms to help organisations reduce their ecological footprint. Today, Climact's already long history demonstrates both the urgent need for action and the existence of ingenious and pragmatic solutions. Between Climact and Shake it all clicked as soon as the brand was created. A collaboration so convincing that it prompted Shake to become CO2 neutral 10 years ago.
  • Branding & identity
  • Brand Strategy
  • Print & Web Design

The business problem

Since its creation, Climact has considerably expanded its range of services. From consultancy to project development as a third party investor. From foresight for public institutions to action plans for companies of all sizes. From technical support to legal advice. In short, an expertise that has everything to gain from a strengthened brand identity and a new digital platform that is always on.

The insight

Empowering you to act on climate change. A clear promise that has resonated for many years, and which (unfortunately) seems more necessary than ever in our society. To achieve a zero-carbon world by 2050, we must resolutely embark on the paths of transition. This is the omnipresent ambition shared by all Climact employees. And it is on the basis of this strong signal that Shake has chosen to develop this new identity system.

Our solution

To translate Climact’s ability to act concretely and sustainably, Shake imagined a brand system based on clarity, listening and trust. The central idea of all Climact’s speeches is to adapt the speech to the interlocutor and especially not the other way round. Beyond the clichés of consultants who are disconnected from reality and not very emphatic…


With an enlarged team and armed with a redefined brand identity, Climact has emerged strengthened from the Covid crisis. Many new companies are choosing Climact to build this famous world according to everyone’s wishes.

Visit their website

"Climact has been working with the Shake team for many years with great pleasure and success. Their ability to listen, their suggestions, their flexibility and their multiple skills allow us to implement relevant and efficient communication projects."

Hugues de Meulemeester - Co-Founder at Climact

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