Legal mentions - Shake Agency Legal mentions - Shake Agency

Legal mentions

Legal disclaimer

The site is a site accessible via the Internet network, open to all users of that network. It is published by Shake s.a (limited liability company), incorporated under Belgian law, whose registered office is located Rue Vanderkindere 542 in 1180 Brussels (Belgium) enrolled with the Belgian trade registry (Banque Carrefour des Entreprises) as number 462.957.937.
Consequently, by continuing to consult the site, the user indicates his/her acceptance of the compulsory information. The use of the Internet site is subject to the most recent version of the compulsory information available on the Internet site at the time of use.

Content of the site

The content of is for information only. Users of the site cannot hold Shake s.a. liable for any information or comments of any kind obtained from or issued by the site.
Shake s.a. makes accurate, up-to-date information available and reserves the right to modify the content of its site at any time. However, Shake s.a. is in no way responsible for any damage caused as a result of data communicated via the site that may prove to be inaccurate, out of date or incomplete.
Users undertake to immediately inform Shake s.a. of any fraudulent use and not to try to harm the integrity or operation of the site.
Users of the site shall ascertain that their browser software is compatible with the site.
Users declare that they have sufficient experience in using Internet and the related electronic communication functions.

Exoneration of liability

Shake s.a. undertakes to implement all reasonable means at its disposal to enable users to make optimal use of its Internet site. Consequently, Shake s.a. is bound only by a “best-effort” obligation and under no circumstances an obligation to achieve a result.
Thus remote services may be interrupted for the needs of control, maintenance, overload and more generally in any case of force majeure beyond the control of Shake s.a.
In any case, Shake s.a. can only be held responsible for incidents whose cause is found exclusively in a system over which Shake s.a. has effective control, which excludes all incidents that originate upstream or downstream of the site, and particularly in accessing the Internet network.
Shake s.a. is responsible only for fraud and serious faults enacted by itself.

Intellectual property

The web site was designed and made by Shake s.a.
The content and the presentation of the site (HTML or Flash pages, fixed or generated automatically, image, sound, video files, trademarks, logos, etc.) are protected by intellectual property rights held by Shake s.a. unless indicated otherwise.
The texts and graphic elements, their presentation and their assembly, the video and sound productions, etc. are the property of Shake s.a. or other persons from whom Shake s.a. has obtained authorization to use them. They are intellectual work protected by copyright.
Any communication to the public or total or partial reproduction without the consent of Shake s.a. is illegal and constitutes counterfeiting sanctioned by criminal law. This is also the case for translation, adaptation or reproduction by any art or process.
The trademarks and logos published on the web site are the property of Shake s.a. or other person from whom Shake s.a. has obtained authorizations to make use of them. The information presented on these sites cannot be interpreted in any way as constituting or awarding a license or authorization that allows the use of commercial trademarks in any way; this use requires prior, explicit written permission from Shake s.a. Improper use of such trademarks is strictly prohibited.
Shake s.a. will assert its intellectual property rights all over the world, in compliance with the laws of the countries all over the world and with international treaties.


Presenting a page in a frame that does not belong to Shake s.a. (using a technique referred to as “framing”) and inserting a page belonging to Shake s.a. in a page not belonging to Shake s.a. (using the technique of “on line linking” are prohibited).
Shake s.a. creates links exclusively to sites from which it has requested authorizations and is not responsible for links that are created to its site.
Shake s.a. has no power of verification or control over the creation of links to external sites nor to the content of such sites.
Consequently, the user accepts that his/her choice to gain access to another site by means of a hypertext link proposed from the Shake s.a. site is taken at his/her own risk.
Shake s.a. cannot be held liable for any direct or consequential damage resulting from gaining access to a site connected by a hypertext link.

Applicable and jurisdiction

This compulsory information is governed by Belgian law. The courts of Brussels have sole jurisdiction in the event of a dispute pertaining to the site, its content and its uses.

Privacy policy

Your privacy is important to us. It is Shake’s policy to respect your privacy regarding any information we may collect from you across our website,, and other sites we own and operate.

Information we collect

Log data

When you visit our website, our servers may automatically log the standard data provided by your web browser. This data is considered “non-identifying information”, as it does not personally identify you on its own.

Personal information

We may ask for personal information, such as your:

How we collect information

We collect information by fair and lawful means, with your knowledge and consent. We also let you know why we’re collecting it and how it will be used. You are free to refuse our request for this information.

Use of information

We may use your personal details to answer to your contact requests, or to send you an occasional newsletter should you have explicitly subscribed to it. If you wish to opt out of receiving our newsletter, you can follow the “unsubscribe” instructions provided alongside any campaign.

Data processing and storage

The personal information we collect is stored and processed by our team in Belgium. We only transfer data within jurisdictions subject to data protection laws that reflect our commitment to protecting the privacy of our users.
We only retain personal information for as long as necessary to provide a service, or to improve our services in future. While we retain this data, we will protect it within commercially acceptable means to prevent loss and theft, as well as unauthorised access, disclosure, copying, use or modification. That said, we advise that no method of electronic transmission or storage is 100% secure, and cannot guarantee absolute data security.
If you request your personal information be deleted, or where your personal information becomes no longer relevant to our operations, we will erase it from our system within a reasonable timeframe.


A cookie is a small piece of data that our website stores on your computer, and accesses each time you visit. We use cookies to improve your browsing experience on this website. No tracking cookie is used on this website.

Third-party access to information

We use third-party services for:
Email marketing
These services may access our data solely for the purpose of performing specific tasks on our behalf. We do not share any personally identifying information with them without your explicit consent. We do not give them permission to disclose or use any of our data for any other purpose.
We may, from time to time, allow limited access to our data by external consultants and agencies for the purpose of analysis and service improvement. This access is only permitted for as long as necessary to perform a specific function. We only work with external agencies whose privacy policies align with ours.
We will refuse government and law enforcement requests for data if we believe a request is too broad or unrelated to its stated purpose. However, we may cooperate if we believe the requested information is necessary and appropriate to comply with legal process, to protect our own rights and property, to protect the safety of the public and any person, to prevent a crime, or to prevent what we reasonably believe to be illegal, legally actionable, or unethical activity.
We do not otherwise share or supply personal information to third parties. We do not sell or rent your personal information to marketers or third parties.

Limits of our policy

This privacy policy only covers Shake’s own collecting and handling of data. We only work with partners, affiliates and third-party providers whose privacy policies align with ours, however we cannot accept responsibility or liability for their respective privacy practices.
Our website may link to external sites that are not operated by us. Please be aware that we have no control over the content and policies of those sites, and cannot accept responsibility or liability for their respective privacy practices.

Changes to this policy

At our discretion, we may change our privacy policy to reflect current acceptable practices. Your continued use of this site after any changes to this policy will be regarded as acceptance of our practices around privacy and personal information.

Your rights and responsibilities

As our user, you have the right to be informed about how your data is collected and used. You are entitled to know what data we collect about you, and how it is processed. You are entitled to correct and update any personal information about you, and to request this information be deleted.
You are entitled to restrict or object to our use of your data, while retaining the right to use your personal information for your own purposes. You have the right to opt out of data about you being used in decisions based solely on automated processing.
Feel free to contact us if you have any concerns or questions about how we handle your data and personal information. This policy is effective as of 24 May 2018.

Cookie policy

We use cookies to help improve your experience of This cookie policy is part of Shake s.a. ’s privacy policy, and covers the use of cookies between your device and our site. We also provide basic information on third-party services we may use, who may also use cookies as part of their service, though they are not covered by our policy.
If you don’t wish to accept cookies from us, you should instruct your browser to refuse cookies from, with the understanding that we may be unable to provide you with some of your desired content and services.

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small piece of data that a website stores on your device when you visit, typically containing information about the website itself, a unique identifier that allows the site to recognise your web browser when you return, additional data that serves the purpose of the cookie, and the lifespan of the cookie itself.
Cookies are used to enable certain features (eg. logging in), to track site usage (eg. analytics), to store your user settings (eg. timezone, notification preferences), and to personalise your content (eg. advertising, language).
Cookies set by the website you are visiting are normally referred to as “first-party cookies”, and typically only track your activity on that particular site. Cookies set by other sites and companies (ie. third parties) are called “third-party cookies”, and can be used to track you on other websites that use the same third-party service.

Types of cookies and how we use them

Essential cookies
Essential cookies are crucial to your experience of a website, enabling core features like user logins, account management, shopping carts and payment processing. We use essential cookies to enable certain functions on our website.
Performance cookies
Performance cookies are used in the tracking of how you use a website during your visit, without collecting personal information about you. Typically, this information is anonymous and aggregated with information tracked across all site users, to help companies understand visitor usage patterns, identify and diagnose problems or errors their users may encounter, and make better strategic decisions in improving their audience’s overall website experience. These cookies may be set by the website you’re visiting (first-party) or by third-party services. We use performance cookies on our site.
Functionality cookies
Functionality cookies are used in collecting information about your device and any settings you may configure on the website you’re visiting (like language and timezone settings). With this information, websites can provide you with customised, enhanced or optimised content and services. These cookies may be set by the website you’re visiting (first-party) or by third-party service. We use functionality cookies for selected features on our site.

Third-party cookies on our site

We may employ third-party companies and individuals on our websites—for example, analytics providers and content partners. We grant these third parties access to selected information to perform specific tasks on our behalf. They may also set third-party cookies in order to deliver the services they are providing. Third-party cookies can be used to track you on other websites that use the same third-party service. As we have no control over third-party cookies, they are not covered by Shake s.a.’s cookie policy.
Our third-party privacy promise
We review the privacy policies of all our third-party providers before enlisting their services to ensure their practices align with ours. We will never knowingly include third-party services that compromise or violate the privacy of our users.

How you can control or opt out of cookies

If you do not wish to accept cookies from us, you can instruct your browser to refuse cookies from our website. Most browsers are configured to accept cookies by default, but you can update these settings to either refuse cookies altogether, or to notify you when a website is trying to set or update a cookie.
If you browse websites from multiple devices, you may need to update your settings on each individual device.
Although some cookies can be blocked with little impact on your experience of a website, blocking all cookies may mean you are unable to access certain features and content across the sites you visit.