Shake is a communications agency that loves work well done. At 542 on the Rue Vanderkindere, in a courtyard house, that looks like a beehive, 12 artisans busy themselves creating new, sustainable and useful ideas. In contrario to todays short term-ism, the agency replies by diving deep into a brands roots, listening to those that carry them and driven by an obsession of no-nonsense. Founded in a world with no Google, Instagram or Uber, that hasn’t stopped it becoming ultra connected all the while staying true to it’s founding principles. The agency’s clients trust it, because it carries it’s name well. Laden with principle, slightly tiring but always as stimulating as on that first day, on a sunny 28th of July, 1998.
Shake is way more than just an agency philosophy written on a few powerpoint slides. Shake is a life philosophy. We don’t do B2B, B2C or B2G. We do P2P. From people to people. Brain to brain. Heart to heart. Gut feeling to gut feeling. Yes, it takes guts to embrace such an organic philosophy.