Fost Plus & Brussels Environment - Shake Agency Fost Plus & Brussels Environment - Shake Agency

Fost Plus & Brussels Environment

Over the years, sorting waste at home has become a natural reflex. It is clear that this is not yet the case in Brussels businesses. To change bad habits, Fost Plus and Brussels Environment called on Shake to set up a major awareness campaign. A logical choice because at Shake, we have been recycling everything for a long time. Except ideas.
  • Advertising
  • Brand Strategy
  • Print & Web Design
  • Video

The business problem

Everyone knows that sorting at home is mandatory. But few companies, shops or catering establishments know that this also applies to them. And after the lockdown, the sector is weakened and not very inclined to take this problem head on.

The insight

Rather than pointing out the public authority ready to sanction, Shake opted for the value of example by giving the lead role to those who were doing it right. And icing on the cake, the campaign gave them a much welcome visibility boost in a difficult period for Brussels shops.

Our solution

Convey a simple and inviting proximity message through an ultra localised, ultra personalised campaign. On the programme: local posters, trams, buses, Brussels radio stations (6 languages!) and a perfectly targeted digital conversion plan.


The first results go straight to our hearts. We received numerous phone calls from participating retailers encouraged in their action by their own customers. The campaign is already attracting the interest of many new traders who are willing to participate. To be continued!

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